KISS Your New Year’s Resolution

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2016!

I always love this time of the year. Everything starts fresh, and I’m setting my goals for the year. Last year was a tremendous year for me, I obtained my mortgage license and was able to help out many of my existing clients. I learned a lot more about real estate properties, which broadened my view about investments.  In terms of personal life, I was able to exercise regularly, found a balance between working and spending time with my family. All these were not achieved on a random basis, but were goals that were set in the beginning of 2015. There were some goals that were not being achieved, so I did some comparison between the completed ones versus the non-completed. I found out that there were some common rules to achieving goals, and hope this would be helpful to you in following through your new year’s resolutions.

The method that I use to keep my new year’s resolution is called the “KISS” principle, which is the acronym for “Keep It Simple and Smart“. Below are the 5 steps I will be using to KISS my goals this year.

  • Find out the true purpose to achieve this goal:
    • ​What is the benefit of achieving this? Will this bring you more financial stability? Does this make you happier? Greater satisfaction? Don’t pursue a goal simply someone wants you to, make sure this is something that you really desire to achieve.
  • Be Focus
    • Don’t set out 10 goals at the same time. You will only overwhelm yourself if you do that. Focus on only 1 or 2 goal first. Once it is achieved, then move on to the next one.
  • Make Measurable Goals
    • List out specifically when and how your goal can be achieved. Don’t set goal that are too vague. For example, instead of I want to lose weight, trying setting goals such as “I will jog for 20 minutes every morning at 7:00 am starting January 8th, 2016
  • Set Reasonable Goals
    • You will only end up disappointing yourself if your goal is completely out of reach. For example, rather than putting off 99% of your income into savings, consider starting with 10% first. If your goal requires a long-term commitment, consider breaking it down into smaller goals, which can achieved at different stage of time.
  • Write it out
    • There are studies that show, those who wrote down their goals accomplished significantly more than those who did not. Let’s face it, there are way too many things that could distract our attention nowadays. It is important to write down your goals where you could see them all the time. Put it on your desktop, create a vision board, or set a reminder on your phone. Always keep track and review over your progress regularly.

You could consider sharing your goals with someone who you trust to keep you accountable. For instance, your spouse, business coach, or financial advisor. Of course, celebrate and reward yourself when your goals are achieved. Just don’t overspend 🙂

So what are your financial goals for 2016? To pay down debts? contribute toward retirements? savings for child’s education? or upgrading your knowledge related to your career.

Feel free to contact me. I’d love to see how I might be able to assist you this year.




  • Disclaimer:
    • This is not an actual recommendation, it’s only for general understanding only. Make sure you contact me in person to discuss over your financial situation and to understand all the terms and conditions that may be involved.
    • Image courtesy of taesmileland at


Samuel Li

Hi, I'm Samuel Li. I started my financial advisory practice in 2005, assisting Canadians in growing their long-term wealth while protecting their assets. One area I specialize in is servicing families with disabilities. If you'd like to explore how I can assist you, feel free to email me at

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