RDSP: Most Generous, but Complex Savings Tool

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Last Saturday, there was a conference for families with special needs hosted by Community Living.  This was a whole day event, where speakers from numerous different industries had shared their expertise, which widened the view of many attendees. What kind of supports are available through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)? What are the benefits of using a Henson Trust in your estate planning? These are just some examples of the topics that were being discussed on that day. Not only that a lot of great insights were gained from this event, I also had chances to talk to many families with pro-longed disability. Throughout the conversations, I could understand more in-depth what these families are going through, and I realize not many of them are familiar with the Registered Disability Savings Plan. As one of the guest speaker pointed out, RDSP is definitely one of the plans with the most generous government grants and saving bonds, at the same time, it is also one of the most complex saving vehicles. Unfortunately, not every financial institution would provide adequate training to their staffs in regards to this plan. I’m sure more works are still need to be done.

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Samuel Li

Hi, I'm Samuel Li. I started my financial advisory practice in 2005, assisting Canadians in growing their long-term wealth while protecting their assets. One area I specialize in is servicing families with disabilities. If you'd like to explore how I can assist you, feel free to email me at Samuel@SamuelConsultant.com

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