
A Special Gift for Your Grandchildren (Intergenerational Wealth Transfer)

Since I obtained the Certified Executor Advisor (CEA) designation, I have had many meaningful conversations with senior clients. One common thread I find is their deep love for their grandchildren. Many of you have asked me, “What can we do to help secure our grandchildren’s future?

With the financial challenges that lie ahead, such as high inflation and the rising costs of housing, planning for their future has never been more important.

One effective option is a participating whole life insurance policy for your minor grandchildren. This can provide them with a lasting legacy that ensures their financial security and peace of mind for years to come.

Here are the Key Benefits:

  • The premium is a lot more affordable as they are still young.
  • When compared to an adult, a child’s policy is usually easier to get approved, due to less complicated medical history.
  • You only pay premium for a fixed period (i.e. 10 years), then the coverage could last for life.
  • Your grandchild would have one less thing to take care of when they grow up.
  • The policy has a dividend feature, and it can be used to grow the coverage and surrender value automatically.
  • Your grandkid may borrow from the policy based on their needs at the time. (i.e. tuition, wedding, down payment for a home)
    • Note: There will be interest charged on policy loan
  • Down the road, if there is no claim, they may even use the dividend or the cash surrender value to supplement their retirement income.

Here’s a guide on how this strategy works. In there, you can find an example on how a grandfather plans for her granddaughter.

If you want to explore how this strategy can help your grandchild, I welcome you to contact me at Samuel@SamuelConsultant.com.

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Samuel Li

Hi, I'm Samuel Li. I started my financial advisory practice in 2005, assisting Canadians in growing their long-term wealth while protecting their assets. One area I specialize in is servicing families with disabilities. If you'd like to explore how I can assist you, feel free to email me at Samuel@SamuelConsultant.com

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